E65: Estimated Credits to GraduateInstitution | Total Enrolled | Students with Prior Achievement Credits | Average Credits to Graduate | Estimated Years Remaining |
Total Public Four-Year Institutions | 36,363 | 17,672 | 111 | ~3.7+ |
Christopher Newport University | 1,161 | 521 | 113 | ~3.8+ |
George Mason University | 4,229 | 1,988 | 112 | ~3.7+ |
James Madison University | 4,863 | 2,273 | 114 | ~3.8+ |
Longwood University | 794 | 300 | 113 | ~3.8+ |
Norfolk State University | 1,287 | 27 | 119 | ~4+ |
Old Dominion University | 3,084 | 900 | 114 | ~3.8+ |
Radford University | 1,219 | 431 | 113 | ~3.8+ |
University of Mary Washington | 748 | 346 | 112 | ~3.7+ |
University of Virginia | 4,030 | 3,195 | 107 | ~3.6+ |
University of Virginia's College at Wise | 253 | 35 | 118 | ~3.9+ |
Virginia Commonwealth University | 4,223 | 2,302 | 111 | ~3.7+ |
Virginia Military Institute | 347 | 86 | 135 | ~4.5+ |
Virginia State University | 1,382 | 308 | 116 | ~3.9+ |
Virginia Tech | 7,101 | 3,636 | 105 | ~3.5+ |
William & Mary | 1,642 | 1,324 | 120 | ~4+ |
Total Public Institutions | 36,363 | 17,672 | 111 | ~3.7+ |
Total Private, Four-Year Institutions | 13,762 | 2,670 | 119 | ~4+ |
Averett University | 253 | 53 | 115 | ~3.8+ |
Bluefield University | 144 | 40 | 117 | ~3.9+ |
Bridgewater College | 422 | 146 | 113 | ~3.8+ |
Christendom College | 143 | 32 | 128 | ~4.3+ |
Eastern Mennonite University | 203 | 72 | 113 | ~3.8+ |
Emory & Henry College | 347 | 82 | 112 | ~3.7+ |
Ferrum College | 212 | 35 | 115 | ~3.8+ |
Hampden-Sydney College | 280 | 75 | 115 | ~3.8+ |
Hampton University | 835 | 0 | 120 | ~4+ |
Hollins University | 211 | 67 | 128 | ~4.3+ |
Liberty University | 5,360 | 437 | 122 | ~4.1+ |
Mary Baldwin University | 282 | 0 | 120 | ~4+ |
Marymount University | 355 | 65 | 116 | ~3.9+ |
Randolph College | 147 | 34 | 124 | ~4.1+ |
Randolph-Macon College | 415 | 144 | 103 | ~3.4+ |
Regent University | 422 | 0 | 119 | ~4+ |
Roanoke College | 501 | 138 | 128 | ~4.3+ |
Shenandoah University | 475 | 193 | 120 | ~4+ |
Southern Virginia University | 292 | 78 | 114 | ~3.8+ |
Sweet Briar College | 154 | 61 | 112 | ~3.7+ |
University of Lynchburg | 410 | 122 | 116 | ~3.9+ |
University of Richmond | 850 | 454 | 122 | ~4.1+ |
Virginia Union University | 289 | 3 | 121 | ~4+ |
Virginia Wesleyan University | 284 | 113 | 128 | ~4.3+ |
Washington and Lee University | 476 | 226 | 115 | ~3.8+ |
Grand Total, All Reporting Institutions | 50,125 | 20,342 | 114 | ~3.8+ |
Estimated Credits to Graduate | The approximate number of credits remaining specific to the program at entry, if applicable. The value is the difference between the student's required number of credits to graduate (e.g., 60 for a two-year program, 120 for a four- year program and any prior academic achievement credit (transfer, HS dual enrollment, AP, IB, CLEP or CIE credits) accepted and applied by the institution at the time of entry.
Ex: Traditional four year bachelor's degree with 15 accepted transfer credits, 12 accepted HS dual enrollment credits, and 3 accepted AP credits calculation should be:
120 - 15 - 12 - 3 = 90 remaining credits (estimation) | AP Credits | The number of college credit hours earned by the student for participating in Advanced Placement testing as accepted by the institution towards the students intended degree. | CLEP Credits | The number of college credit hours earned by the student for participating in College Level Examination Program testing as accepted by the institution towards the student's intended degree. | CIE Credits | The number of college credit hours earned by the student for participating in Cambridge International Examination testing as accepted by the institution towards the student's intended degree. | IB Credits | The number of college credit hours earned by the student by taking International Baccalaureate courses and/or IB qualifying placement testing as accepted by the institution towards the students intended degree. | HS Dual Enrollment | The number of college credit hours the student earned while in high school taking college courses as accepted by the institution towards the students intended degree. | Transfer Credits | The number of college transfer credit hours accepted by the transfer institution for this student. Applies only to undergraduate, degree seeking students transferring from one institution to another for enrollment in an undergraduate program. | |