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Grand Total, All Reporting Institutions
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All Students

Data with fewer than 10 graduates from both in- and out-of-state students are suppressed.

Percentages may not add up to 100% due to rounding. Only the columns with percentages will add the up to the the total number of graduates for the row. The other column demonstrate the overlapping nature of the data.

Border states include: North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, DC.

Mobility and Residence in 2018, Graduates from 2007-08 through 2017-18
Graduate DomicileGradsAddress MatchedNo Address MatchedUnknownRest of U.S.Border StatesTotal in VirginiaWorked or Enrolled in VA (w/No Address)Worked in VA
In-State Graduates679,935399,051280,884122,633  (18%)39,328  (6%)18,532  (3%)499,442  (73%)147,482382,631
Out-of-State Graduates277,094151,960125,134107,250  (39%)90,348  (33%)34,433  (12%)45,063  (16%)13,11227,039
Total Graduates957,029551,011406,018229,883  (24%)129,676  (14%)52,965  (6%)544,505  (57%)160,594409,670

Notes on Graduate Mobility
These data were produced by matching the records of graduates from 2007-08 through 2017-18 and obtaining addresses through AlumniFinder in December of 2018. The data are then matched against Unemployment Insurance Wage records (quarterly earnings reported to the Commonwealth), Unemployment Insurance Benefits records, and college/university enrollment records reported to SCHEV. The data represent our best estimate of how many graduates were living or working in Virginia in 2018.


Full Legal Name - "Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University" (Virginia Tech); "The College of William and Mary" (William & Mary)
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