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Guide to the Financial Aid Reports

Financial Aid Reports

The provision of assistance in paying for higher education has a long history in public policy and legislation including scholarships, the G.I. Bill, grants to promote certain courses of study, low-interest loans to both students and their parents, and ways for students to “work their way through college,” in the United States  and in Virginia. SCHEV collects student-level data from Virginia public and not-for-profit private institutions about the various forms of assistance provided and the use of that assistance. 

The reports listed here use these data to show what forms financial aid has taken, who has received it, what institutions they have attended and over what time frames. Recipient characteristics include need level, family income, residency (in-state or out-of-state), race/ethnicity, student level (undergraduate/graduate/first-professional) Institutional characteristics available are institutions attended (individual institutions, private/public, two-/four-year), academic years, academic terms (regular, summer, annual). Also, student counts and dollar totals can be found by recipient categories, institution categories, aid types (loans, grants, work programs, tuition waivers, and others), and aid sources (Federal, State, private).

Most reports allow selection of academic year, individual institution or pre-specified grouping (public four-year, or private) and some also allow student level specification to permit a report user customization. 


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