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Virginia Educated Survey Results

In March 2018, stakeholders at the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) discussed how to assess the value and impact of higher education in Virginia in a holistic way that would include – but go beyond – employment and wages. This report describes information gained from Virginia Educated, a unique study designed to do that. To the research team’s knowledge, there is no other assessment of graduate outcomes in the United States that combines this study’s scale, lengthy multi-dimensional questionnaire and linkage to administrative  and secondary data to address questions about the impact of higher education on community, family and individual well-being, as well as employment and wages.

The study features 15,348 survey responses from graduates of state-supported institutions of higher education in Virginia. The respondents represent 499,665 graduates who earned an undergraduate credential (certificate, associate degree, or bachelor’s degree) from a Virginia state-supported institution of higher education between 2007 and 2018. Additional administrative and secondary data were matched to the survey data for the two-thirds of the respondents who consented to the linkage. Outreach for the survey was conducted by postal mail and email between December 2020 and May 2021, with most graduates having the option to complete the survey by web or on paper. The resulting report and detailed institutional tables can be downloaded below.

Complete package

Executive Summary

Virginia Educated Survey 2021 Full Report no appendices

Appendix A Questionnaire

Appendix B Methods

Appendix C Data Tables

Appendix D Literature Review

Institutional Detail Tables

SCHEV Virginia Educated institutional Tables Guide.pdf

Two-Year College Groups

The 23 individual community colleges were grouped for sampling, analysis and reporting, using the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) categories I through VII based on full-time enrollment statistics. No community college fit into group VI at the time of the survey. 


Results scale 2yr group I (.xlsx)

Results categorical 2yr group I (.xlsx)


Results scale 2yr group II (.xlsx)

Results categorical 2yr group II (.xlsx)


Results scale 2yr group III (.xlsx)

Results categorical 2yr group III (.xlsx)


Results scale 2yr group IV (.xlsx)

Results categorical 2yr group IV (.xlsx)

(Group V: TCC)

Results scale 2yr group V (.xlsx)

Results categorical 2yr group V (.xlsx)

(Group VII: NVCC)

Results scale 2yr group VII (.xlsx)

Results categorical 2yr group VII (.xlsx)

Richard Bland College of William & Mary

Results scale 2yr Richard Bland College (.xlsx)

Results categorical 2yr Richard Bland College (.xlsx)

Four-Year Colleges

Results scale 4yr Christopher Newport University (.xlsx)

Results categorical 4yr Christopher Newport University (.xlsx)

Results scale 4yr George Mason University (.xlsx)

Results categorical 4yr George Mason University (.xlsx)

Results scale 4yr James Madison University (.xlsx)

Results categorical 4yr James Madison University (.xlsx)

Results scale 4yr Longwood University (.xlsx)

Results categorical 4yr Longwood University (.xlsx)

Results scale 4yr Norfolk State University (.xlsx)

Results categorical 4yr Norfolk State University (.xlsx)

Results scale 4yr Old Dominion University (.xlsx)

Results categorical 4yr Old Dominion University (.xlsx)

Results scale 4yr Radford University (.xlsx)

Results categorical 4yr Radford University (.xlsx)

Results scale 4yr University of Mary Washington (.xlsx)

Results categorical 4yr University of Mary Washington (.xlsx)

Results scale 4yr University of Virginia (.xlsx)

Results categorical 4yr University of Virginia (.xlsx)

Results scale 4yr UVA College at Wise (.xlsx)

Results categorical 4yr UVA College at Wise (.xlsx)

Results scale 4yr Virginia Commonwealth University (.xlsx)

Results categorical 4yr Virginia Commonwealth University (.xlsx)

Results scale 4yr Virginia Military Institute (.xlsx)

Results categorical 4yr Virginia Military Institute (.xlsx)

Results scale 4yr Virginia State University (.xlsx)

Results categorical 4yr Virginia State University (.xlsx)

Results scale 4yr Virginia Tech (.xlsx)

Results categorical 4yr Virginia Tech (.xlsx)

Results scale 4yr William and Mary (.xlsx)

Results categorical 4yr William and Mary (.xlsx)

SCHEV • 101 N. 14TH St., James Monroe Bldg. • Richmond, VA 23219
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