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J Sargeant Reynolds Community College

Students Transferring into Virginia Commonwealth University in the Fall and Spring of the Designated Year
New Transfer (All)

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a. Total Transfers467438501415450388359321
b. Men - Total205201243178199189183148
c. Women - Total262237258237250198176173
d. Majority Students - Total303294332253261214203185
e. Majority Students - Men1341381741191319910383
f. Majority Students - Women169156158134129114100102
g. Students of Color - Total164144169162189174156136
h. Students of Color - Men7163695968908065
i. Students of Color - Women9381100103121847671


Full Legal Name - "Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University" (Virginia Tech); "The College of William and Mary" (William & Mary)