Purpose: Section 23-9.6:1 of the Code of Virginia assigns SCHEV 21 duties general duties in coordinating Virginia's higher education system. Duty 9 gives SCHEV the authority to develop a comprehensive information data system to assist in the execution of these 21 duties. Therefore the public and not-for-profit private
institutions are required to submit data to SCHEV. These data include, but are not limited to admissions, degrees conferred, courses, enrollments, financial aid, and any other information necessary for SCHEV to carry out our duties. This web report details the institution's compliance in reporting required data to SCHEV on-time.
The table below shows the submission status in real time for the current collection cycle: 1). "Locked"- institution locked before or on the collection's due date ("Locked"), 2). "Locked #d late" - institution locked the collection after it was due to SCHEV, 3). "Late"- institution is late locking collection to SCHEV, and 4). "Not Open"- collection is not open yet in the collection cycle.
Definition: "d"=days; "n/a"=collection not applicable to institution or sector |