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Program Details
George Washington University

Educational Leadership and Administration, General (13.0401)
Graduate Certificate
Enrollment, Awards, Wages, Debt, and Other Outcomes

Education Administration
Program Status: Active/Approved to Enroll Students and Confer Degrees
Degree Title: EDS
2010 CIP Code: 130401

Credit HoursProgram Offered

Date Progam Approved to Confer Degrees:  Before SCHEV
Enrollments and Awards
Academic YearFall HeadcountAnnual FTEDegrees

Average time-to-completion in yearsAverage credits-to-completionAverage monthly earnings six months after graduation
$ 6,265

The table to the right provides the degree award history of each the last five years, disaggregated by state residency. This breakout may may help explain why a relatively low percentage of program completers may appear to be working in Virginia.

Program Graduates by Domicile
Five Year Summary347
Distribution by Gender and Race/Ethnicity within Five-year Totals,

YearForeign/ InternationalAfrican Am. or Black (NH)Am. Indian/ Native Am. (NH)Asian/ Pacific Islander (NH)HispanicWhite, Caucasian Am. (NH)Multi-Race (NH)Unknown/ Unreported (NH)Total
Sum of the Last 5 Years020172027

Wages Earned in 2020

The table below shows the wage data for the select program and places it in the context of all wages at the same degree level of this institution by graduates with at least three (3) quarters of employment.

Post-Completion Wage Outcomes, Earnings in 2022
Graduation YearGrads (n)Grads w/Wages (n)25th PercentileMedian Wage75th Percentile
2011-12 (10 years)12869%$76,243$91,535$101,993
2013-14 (8 years)9263%$80,403$85,856$101,256
2016-17 (5 years)7972%$69,045$81,271$94,092
2018-19 (3 years)7771%$67,986$80,228$87,793
2020-21 (18 months)3647%$69,323$73,187$84,962

Student Debt of Graduates
 Export to Excel
Number of Borrowers and Known Debt at Graduation
Borrowers (n)Borrowers (%)25th PercentileMedianMean75th Percentile
2013-14 to 2017-186577.4%$ 13,667$ 23,917$ 26,221$ 33,834
2014-15 to 2018-196179.2%$ 13,993$ 23,917$ 25,747$ 33,364
2015-16 to 2019-204076.9%$ 12,997$ 23,792$ 24,737$ 34,001
2016-17 to 2020-212877.8%$ 18,950$ 23,917$ 27,309$ 34,167
2017-18 to 2021-221979.2%$ 20,915$ 24,833$ 31,402$ 34,167
Note: Student borrowing at graduation, excludes PLUS loans, in five-year rollups. Includes all known institutionally-processed borrowing occuring at all public and nonprofit institutions in Virginia. Debt accrued outside Virginia in prior postsecondary activity is not available.
Number of Borrowers and Known Debt at Graduation, Including Parent-PLUS and Grad-PLUS
Borrowers (n)Borrowers (%)25th PercentileMedianMean75th Percentile
2013-14 to 2017-186577.4%$ 13,993$ 23,917$ 28,488$ 34,167
2014-15 to 2018-196280.5%$ 14,000$ 23,930$ 28,676$ 34,167
2015-16 to 2019-204178.8%$ 14,260$ 23,917$ 28,259$ 34,167
2016-17 to 2020-212980.6%$ 20,915$ 24,833$ 32,149$ 37,399
2017-18 to 2021-222083.3%$ 22,248$ 32,292$ 35,613$ 39,200

More Details on Enrollment History.

More Details on Degree Awards History.

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